Stress Awareness Month

Photo shows a man with his head in his hands.

Its Stress Awareness Month.

Don’t forget that our Shared Vision project can support you with your emotional health – a series of workshops supports you to share your emotions and enables you to meet people going through similar experiences as you. Please call us on 0115 970 6806 or email for more details.

Stress and anxiety can be very debilitating but if you have some short periods of time free – try the tips below!

If you have 2 seconds…

Smile! Consciously activating your grin (otherwise known as faking it!) releases the same happy chemicals in the brain as smiling spontaneously.

If you have 10 seconds…

Drink a glass of water. Mild dehydration can leave you feeling ‘meh’, affecting your mood, energy levels and ability to think clearly, according to research from the University of Connecticut. Being mildly dehydrated means losing 1.5% of your normal water volume – yet we often don’t feel thirsty until we’ve lost 2%. Drinking a glass of water takes seconds and can instantly raise energy levels, lifting your mood.

If you have 12 seconds…

Breathe in for a count of four, breathe out for four, then hold your breath for four – it’s great for your emotional wellbeing, as it can instantly help to diffuse everyday irritations.

If you have 30 seconds…

Smell some fresh flowers (or spritz on a floral perfume). According to research, this can help you feel both happier and more sociable.

If you have 60 seconds…

Release neck tension and give yourself a pick-me-up at the same time. While sitting on a chair, pull your shoulders back. With your left hand, hold the base of the seat. Place your right hand on top of your head and gently press above your left ear. You should feel a stretch on the left side of your neck. Hold for three long, deep breaths. Now tuck in your chin and look towards your right hip. You’ll feel the stretch all the way down to your left shoulder. Hold for another three breaths, then switch and repeat on the other side.

If you have 90 seconds…

Change your computer’s screensaver so it cycles through your favourite photos. Photographs lift moods by 11%… more than drinking wine or eating chocolate. Alternatively play a piece of your favourite music!

If you have 2 minutes…

Watch or listen to something funny on the internet, such as animal videos. It can help to increase energy and positive emotions and decrease anxiety and irritability.

If you have 3 minutes…

Make yourself a berry dessert. Defrost some frozen berries and stir them into a bowl of fat-free natural yogurt. The result? You’ll feel all the better for making a positive, healthy choice. Plus, the antioxidants in the berries encourage your body to produce neurotransmitters – the chemicals that send signals between brain cells – helping to boost brain health and ease ‘brain fog’ long term.

If you have 5 minutes…

Pause and ask yourself the three Whats: What’s going well in my life right now? What is there to be pleased with? What is there to be grateful for?

If you have 8 minutes…

Do some mindful washing-up! Focusing on what you can feel, see, smell and hear while you scrub – for example, the heat of the water, the feel of the bubbles on your skin, what you can see out of the kitchen window – instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, can help to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of inspiration.

If you have 10 minutes…

Take a brisk walk if you can. Even this short burst will give you an endorphin rush that can leave you feeling energised for up to an hour and a half afterwards.

If you have 15 minutes…

Scribble a thank-you note. Writing a letter of appreciation can enhance mood for up to a month.

If you have 20 minutes…

Run a bath and add some Epsom salts. A cup of these magnesium-rich salts in your bathwater helps soak soreness from your muscles and aids sleep.